United Kingdom

Production (2022)

Species Harvest weight (g) Harvest age (years) Mortality rate Production (t) Individuals slaughtered Individuals hatched Individuals inventory
Atlantic salmon 4600 2.083 0.376 169194 36,781,304 97,822,618 76,627,717
Rainbow trout 1300 2.083 0.343 13470 10,361,787 30,209,291 21,587,056
Common carp 1500 3 0.68 278 185,161 272,295 555,482
Sea trout 1300 2.083 0.343 220 169,340 493,703 352,792
Salmonids nei 4600 2.083 0.376 630 136,957 364,246 285,326
Marine fishes nei 169
Freshwater fishes nei 43
Table notes: harvest weight, harvest age, and mortality rate are set by us as biological parameters (see bottom of page for details). Production is then used, with these parameters, to calculate individuals slaughtered, individuals hatched, and individuals inventory. 'Inventory' refers to the number of fish alive on animals at any one time. Production weight is rounded to the nearest tonne. Biological parameters explained and cited here. Note that some biological parameters for less frequently farmed species are placeholder values.

time series of individuals slaughtered over time

Trade (2023)


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
France Salmonids 33,856
Other Salmonids 29,752
Poland Salmonids 5,408
Ireland Salmonids 3,899
Netherlands Salmonids 1,859
Italy Salmonids 633
Lithuania Salmonids 504
Switzerland Salmonids 425
Denmark Salmonids 405
Spain Salmonids 374
France Bass and bream 227
Germany Salmonids 140
Belgium Salmonids 107
Moldova Salmonids 85
Türkiye Salmonids 78
Latvia Salmonids 66
Sweden Salmonids 48
Romania Salmonids 34
Czechia Salmonids 25
Estonia Salmonids 25
Belgium Bass and bream 23
Greece Salmonids 14
Türkiye Bass and bream 10
Austria Salmonids 7
Portugal Salmonids 4
Malta Salmonids 4
Other Carp 2
Ireland Bass and bream 2
Other Bass and bream 1
Norway Salmonids 1
Morocco Salmonids 0
Malta Carp 0


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Norway Salmonids 61,118
Faroe Islands Salmonids 12,430
Türkiye Bass and bream 10,080
Other Salmonids 8,636
Other Carp 3,841
Poland Salmonids 2,732
Iceland Salmonids 2,668
Greece Bass and bream 1,304
Denmark Salmonids 868
Ireland Salmonids 471
Germany Salmonids 468
Spain Bass and bream 433
Hungary Carp 356
France Salmonids 282
United Kingdom Salmonids 170
France Bass and bream 125
Lithuania Salmonids 116
Poland Carp 89
Netherlands Salmonids 52
Sweden Salmonids 37
France Carp 15
Belgium Salmonids 15
Other Bass and bream 15
Lithuania Carp 7
Latvia Salmonids 6
Bulgaria Carp 5
Switzerland Salmonids 4
Spain Salmonids 3
Hungary Bass and bream 2
Bulgaria Salmonids 2
Latvia Carp 2
Romania Salmonids 2
Denmark Bass and bream 1
Romania Carp 1
Netherlands Bass and bream 1
Portugal Bass and bream 1
Italy Salmonids 1
Norway Carp 0
Spain Carp 0
Netherlands Carp 0
United Kingdom Bass and bream 0
Portugal Salmonids 0