
Production (2022)

Species Harvest weight (g) Harvest age (years) Mortality rate Production (t) Individuals slaughtered Individuals hatched Individuals inventory
Rainbow trout 1300 2.083 0.343 1050 807,692 2,354,788 1,682,692
North African catfish 1500 1 0.3 850 566,667 1,888,889 566,667
Common carp 1500 3 0.68 600 400,000 588,235 1,200,000
Silver carp 1500 3 0.68 10 6,667 9,804 20,000
Sea trout 1300 2.083 0.343 5 3,846 11,213 8,013
Goldfish 50
Grass carp(=White amur) 30
Wels(=Som) catfish 8
Brook trout 5
Northern pike 4
Pike-perch 2
Table notes: harvest weight, harvest age, and mortality rate are set by us as biological parameters (see bottom of page for details). Production is then used, with these parameters, to calculate individuals slaughtered, individuals hatched, and individuals inventory. 'Inventory' refers to the number of fish alive on animals at any one time. Production weight is rounded to the nearest tonne. Biological parameters explained and cited here. Note that some biological parameters for less frequently farmed species are placeholder values.

time series of individuals slaughtered over time

Trade (2023)


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Czechia Salmonids 4
Hungary Salmonids 1
Poland Salmonids 1
Germany Salmonids 1
Austria Salmonids 1
Denmark Salmonids 1
Croatia Bass and bream 0
Hungary Bass and bream 0
Hungary Carp 0
Poland Carp 0
Czechia Bass and bream 0
United Kingdom Salmonids 0
Romania Salmonids 0
Slovenia Salmonids 0
Austria Carp 0
Italy Salmonids 0
Malta Salmonids 0
Bulgaria Salmonids 0
Greece Salmonids 0
Croatia Salmonids 0
Austria Bass and bream 0


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Czechia Salmonids 2,075
Czechia Carp 1,305
Poland Salmonids 1,041
Germany Salmonids 507
Hungary Carp 209
Latvia Salmonids 143
Czechia Bass and bream 118
Austria Salmonids 110
Germany Bass and bream 87
Croatia Carp 39
Hungary Salmonids 34
Croatia Bass and bream 31
Other Salmonids 18
Denmark Salmonids 13
Netherlands Salmonids 3
France Salmonids 2
Poland Carp 2
Türkiye Bass and bream 1
Austria Bass and bream 1
Italy Salmonids 0
Hungary Bass and bream 0
Austria Carp 0
Slovenia Bass and bream 0
Portugal Salmonids 0
Croatia Salmonids 0
Iceland Salmonids 0
Slovenia Salmonids 0
Spain Salmonids 0
Belgium Salmonids 0