
Production (2022)

Species Harvest weight (g) Harvest age (years) Mortality rate Production (t) Individuals slaughtered Individuals hatched Individuals inventory
Rainbow trout 1300 2.083 0.343 29800 22,923,077 66,831,128 47,756,410
Gilthead seabream 350 2.083 0.26 7950 22,714,286 87,362,637 47,321,429
European seabass 400 2.083 0.214 5225 13,063,500 61,044,393 27,215,625
European eel 400 1 0.3 443 1,107,750 3,692,500 1,107,750
Trouts nei 1300 2.083 0.343 383 294,462 858,488 613,462
Kuruma prawn 21 0.411 0.29 5 238,095 821,018 97,780
Sturgeons nei 6000 1 0.3 970 161,667 538,889 161,667
Common carp 1500 3 0.68 199 132,467 194,804 397,400
Sea trout 1300 2.083 0.343 169 130,231 379,682 271,314
Meagre 2500 1 0.3 123 49,200 164,000 49,200
Turbot 1300 1 0.3 30 23,077 76,923 23,077
Cyprinids nei 1500 3 0.68 23 15,400 22,647 46,200
Crucian carp 1500 3 0.68 3 2,067 3,039 6,200
Brook trout 882
Mullets nei 376
Striped bass, hybrid 117
Arctic char 96
Channel catfish 86
Largemouth black bass 67
Black bullhead 50
Chars nei 34
Tench 24
Whitefishes nei 24
Common prawn 19
Grayling 14
European whitefish 12
White seabream 10
Porgies, seabreams nei 9
Common sole 8
European perch 1
Sharpsnout seabream 0
Table notes: harvest weight, harvest age, and mortality rate are set by us as biological parameters (see bottom of page for details). Production is then used, with these parameters, to calculate individuals slaughtered, individuals hatched, and individuals inventory. 'Inventory' refers to the number of fish alive on animals at any one time. Production weight is rounded to the nearest tonne. Biological parameters explained and cited here. Note that some biological parameters for less frequently farmed species are placeholder values.

time series of individuals slaughtered over time

Trade (2023)


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Portugal Bass and bream 3,461
Germany Bass and bream 2,477
France Bass and bream 2,405
Spain Bass and bream 1,153
Tunisia Bass and bream 760
Switzerland Bass and bream 722
Croatia Bass and bream 518
Malta Bass and bream 502
Greece Salmonids 489
Malta Salmonids 451
Croatia Salmonids 429
Albania Bass and bream 321
Austria Bass and bream 251
Slovenia Salmonids 245
Tunisia Salmonids 237
Other Bass and bream 203
Germany Salmonids 178
Austria Salmonids 168
Other Salmonids 165
Hungary Salmonids 134
Slovenia Bass and bream 133
Romania Salmonids 132
Albania Salmonids 126
France Salmonids 118
Romania Bass and bream 115
Switzerland Salmonids 106
Romania Carp 98
Belgium Bass and bream 98
Czechia Bass and bream 92
Netherlands Bass and bream 81
Germany Carp 62
Portugal Carp 56
Czechia Salmonids 48
Hungary Bass and bream 42
Poland Bass and bream 41
Ireland Bass and bream 35
Spain Salmonids 33
Greece Bass and bream 27
Netherlands Salmonids 27
Slovakia Bass and bream 23
Serbia Salmonids 18
Slovakia Salmonids 13
Malta Carp 12
Denmark Salmonids 11
Poland Salmonids 11
Austria Carp 11
Other Carp 9
Netherlands Carp 7
Greece Carp 6
Spain Carp 6
France Carp 5
Portugal Salmonids 4
Bulgaria Salmonids 4
Denmark Bass and bream 4
Bosnia and Herzegovina Salmonids 3
Belgium Salmonids 3
Ireland Salmonids 3
Lithuania Salmonids 2
Montenegro Salmonids 2
Sweden Carp 2
Sweden Bass and bream 1
United Kingdom Salmonids 1
Bulgaria Bass and bream 1
Poland Carp 1
North Macedonia Salmonids 1
Latvia Salmonids 1
Moldova Salmonids 1
Sweden Salmonids 0
Denmark Carp 0
Switzerland Carp 0
Estonia Carp 0
Libya Salmonids 0
United Kingdom Bass and bream 0
Slovenia Carp 0
Belgium Carp 0
Finland Bass and bream 0
Estonia Salmonids 0
Finland Salmonids 0


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Sweden Salmonids 54,978
Greece Bass and bream 38,348
Türkiye Bass and bream 18,789
Denmark Salmonids 15,397
Poland Salmonids 12,157
Croatia Bass and bream 7,973
Netherlands Salmonids 6,595
Lithuania Salmonids 4,993
France Salmonids 3,149
Albania Bass and bream 3,138
Germany Salmonids 3,056
Netherlands Bass and bream 2,262
Spain Bass and bream 2,189
Spain Salmonids 1,907
Malta Bass and bream 1,865
Other Carp 1,812
Other Salmonids 1,455
Tunisia Bass and bream 617
France Bass and bream 585
Finland Salmonids 542
Portugal Salmonids 525
Greece Salmonids 516
Croatia Salmonids 484
Belgium Salmonids 434
Slovenia Bass and bream 267
Portugal Bass and bream 202
Ireland Salmonids 146
Bulgaria Bass and bream 93
Other Bass and bream 91
Croatia Carp 75
Sweden Bass and bream 69
Latvia Salmonids 39
Denmark Bass and bream 36
Morocco Bass and bream 36
Austria Salmonids 35
Romania Salmonids 27
Ireland Bass and bream 26
Estonia Salmonids 23
Germany Bass and bream 22
Hungary Carp 13
Albania Salmonids 10
Austria Bass and bream 9
Czechia Carp 7
Spain Carp 5
Denmark Carp 5
Serbia Salmonids 3
Slovenia Salmonids 2
Hungary Salmonids 2
Lithuania Bass and bream 2
Norway Salmonids 1
France Carp 1
Bulgaria Salmonids 1
United Kingdom Salmonids 1
Latvia Carp 1
Czechia Salmonids 1
Netherlands Carp 0
Algeria Bass and bream 0
Estonia Bass and bream 0
Belgium Bass and bream 0
Romania Carp 0
Switzerland Salmonids 0
Portugal Carp 0
Iceland Salmonids 0