
Production (2022)

Species Harvest weight (g) Harvest age (years) Mortality rate Production (t) Individuals slaughtered Individuals hatched Individuals inventory
Atlantic salmon 4600 2.083 0.376 44934 9,768,261 25,979,417 20,350,543
Rainbow trout 1300 2.083 0.343 1131 870,000 2,536,443 1,812,500
Arctic char 4931
Senegalese sole 352
Atlantic halibut 2
Table notes: harvest weight, harvest age, and mortality rate are set by us as biological parameters (see bottom of page for details). Production is then used, with these parameters, to calculate individuals slaughtered, individuals hatched, and individuals inventory. 'Inventory' refers to the number of fish alive on animals at any one time. Production weight is rounded to the nearest tonne. Biological parameters explained and cited here. Note that some biological parameters for less frequently farmed species are placeholder values.

time series of individuals slaughtered over time

Trade (2023)


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Netherlands Salmonids 7,128
Other Salmonids 6,877
France Salmonids 3,604
Denmark Salmonids 2,855
Poland Salmonids 2,159
United Kingdom Salmonids 1,729
Norway Salmonids 666
Germany Salmonids 424
Spain Salmonids 353
Italy Salmonids 162
Portugal Salmonids 79
Ireland Salmonids 78
Sweden Salmonids 38
Lithuania Salmonids 34
Belgium Salmonids 21
Switzerland Salmonids 10
Finland Salmonids 5
Czechia Salmonids 5
Latvia Salmonids 3
Austria Salmonids 0
Croatia Salmonids 0
Faroe Islands Salmonids 0
Slovakia Salmonids 0
Greece Salmonids 0


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Faroe Islands Salmonids 505
Norway Salmonids 7
Poland Salmonids 1
Sweden Salmonids 1
Poland Carp 1
Latvia Salmonids 0
Denmark Salmonids 0
Ireland Salmonids 0
Other Bass and bream 0
Other Salmonids 0
Spain Salmonids 0
Netherlands Salmonids 0
Lithuania Salmonids 0
Italy Salmonids 0