
Production (2022)

Species Harvest weight (g) Harvest age (years) Mortality rate Production (t) Individuals slaughtered Individuals hatched Individuals inventory
Rainbow trout 1300 2.083 0.343 24470 18,823,077 54,877,775 39,214,744
European eel 400 1 0.3 451 1,126,500 3,755,000 1,126,500
Atlantic salmon 4600 2.083 0.376 1165 253,261 673,566 527,627
Yellowtail amberjack 4000 1 0.3 377 94,350 314,500 94,350
Sea trout 1300 2.083 0.343 51 39,231 114,375 81,731
Sturgeons nei 6000 1 0.3 2 283 944 283
Freshwater siluroids nei 2200
Pike-perch 339
Chars nei 215
Striped bass, hybrid 80
Brook trout 16
Table notes: harvest weight, harvest age, and mortality rate are set by us as biological parameters (see bottom of page for details). Production is then used, with these parameters, to calculate individuals slaughtered, individuals hatched, and individuals inventory. 'Inventory' refers to the number of fish alive on animals at any one time. Production weight is rounded to the nearest tonne. Biological parameters explained and cited here. Note that some biological parameters for less frequently farmed species are placeholder values.

time series of individuals slaughtered over time

Trade (2023)


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Germany Salmonids 36,001
Netherlands Salmonids 24,703
Poland Salmonids 23,605
France Salmonids 19,670
Italy Salmonids 17,349
Other Salmonids 14,254
Spain Salmonids 12,740
Sweden Salmonids 2,823
Portugal Salmonids 2,755
Czechia Salmonids 2,581
Belgium Salmonids 2,325
Romania Salmonids 1,562
Latvia Salmonids 1,480
Ireland Salmonids 1,261
Lithuania Salmonids 1,207
Switzerland Salmonids 1,077
United Kingdom Salmonids 1,060
Estonia Salmonids 785
Greece Salmonids 731
Austria Salmonids 610
Bulgaria Salmonids 405
Norway Salmonids 316
Hungary Salmonids 315
Slovakia Salmonids 162
Finland Salmonids 128
Norway Bass and bream 126
Spain Bass and bream 116
Moldova Salmonids 105
Croatia Salmonids 99
Sweden Bass and bream 93
Sweden Carp 92
Malta Salmonids 51
Slovenia Salmonids 48
Morocco Salmonids 20
Algeria Salmonids 18
Faroe Islands Salmonids 13
Italy Bass and bream 10
Germany Bass and bream 10
Bosnia and Herzegovina Salmonids 9
Estonia Bass and bream 6
Iceland Salmonids 5
North Macedonia Salmonids 4
Poland Bass and bream 4
Albania Salmonids 4
United Kingdom Bass and bream 3
Netherlands Bass and bream 2
Norway Carp 2
Hungary Bass and bream 2
Finland Carp 1
Bulgaria Bass and bream 1
Serbia Salmonids 1
Ireland Carp 1
Austria Bass and bream 0
Germany Carp 0
Slovenia Bass and bream 0
Other Carp 0
Portugal Bass and bream 0
Switzerland Bass and bream 0
Hungary Carp 0
Latvia Bass and bream 0
Other Bass and bream 0
Greece Bass and bream 0
Romania Bass and bream 0
France Bass and bream 0


Partner Country Species Quantity (t)
Norway Salmonids 141,932
Faroe Islands Salmonids 27,796
Sweden Salmonids 11,624
Poland Salmonids 8,303
Germany Salmonids 6,437
Iceland Salmonids 6,195
Other Salmonids 4,603
Netherlands Salmonids 1,159
Latvia Salmonids 1,128
France Salmonids 583
Spain Salmonids 582
Netherlands Bass and bream 379
Lithuania Salmonids 268
Estonia Salmonids 79
Sweden Bass and bream 52
Finland Salmonids 49
Other Carp 45
Belgium Salmonids 38
Germany Bass and bream 25
Ireland Salmonids 23
United Kingdom Salmonids 15
Spain Bass and bream 12
Other Bass and bream 9
France Bass and bream 8
Netherlands Carp 8
Italy Salmonids 3
Slovenia Bass and bream 2
Switzerland Salmonids 2
Greece Bass and bream 2
Romania Salmonids 1
Slovakia Salmonids 1
Italy Bass and bream 1
Türkiye Bass and bream 1
France Carp 1
Belgium Bass and bream 0
Bulgaria Salmonids 0
Italy Carp 0
Czechia Salmonids 0
Portugal Salmonids 0
Romania Bass and bream 0
Romania Carp 0
Sweden Carp 0
Malta Salmonids 0
Serbia Salmonids 0
Norway Bass and bream 0
Norway Carp 0